Monday 10 February 2014

Something I NEVER thought I would say, EVER....I like cleaning the kitchen

Ok I said it, I have come out of the closet and admitted it: I like cleaning the kitchen.  This has not always been the case. It you would have talked to me 1 year ago, sans baby, I would have laughed in your face, pointed to the days old dishes and then ordered take out cause there is nothing clean to eat on.  But that was BM (before motherhood).  Oh how life changes.

See now cleaning the kitchen is me time.  After dinner Hubby takes the Little Monkey up for his bath and daddy time.  It is usually the first time all day I am not responsible for anyone.  All I am responsible for is a few dirty dishes. I am one of those lucky mommy's whose hubby cooks dinner.  He's not an amazing cook (and neither am I!) but he comes home and cooks so I'm not gonna complain.  This is his new job.  Pre-baby we would call each other at our respective offices at 7/8/9 at night and decide who was going to pick up take out.  Now, with me off work and home all day, take out is a special occasion, not the norm. I secretly think Hubby does the cooking cause it is easier than watching/entertaining Little Monkey, but hey, I'll take it!

So back to cleaning the kitchen.  I LOVE my Little Monkey!  He is a happy baby and he is damn cute! BUT... by the end of the day, Mommy needs a break.  And suddenly kitchen clean up, a hated and avoided job, is my new savior. I can turn on the tunes (or keep it blissfully quiet) and putter around.  It's not that hard: load dishwater, wipe highchair and table, wash a few pots or pans...and my only company is the dog who will gladly eat any scraps and my water/tea/wine.  And then, usually for the first time all day, I can sit in a clean, quiet room and.....well, fuck around on Facebook! 

Then I am rejuvenated and ready for some snuggles with my happy, clean Little Monkey.

What do you now look forward to doing that you never thought you would? 

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