Sunday, 2 November 2014

5 foods you should never ever eat (humor)

Facebook is trying to tell me I'm fat, or at least that I should go on a diet. I keep getting sponsored posts like this:

I never click on them cause I am a firm believer in "everything in moderation" and  really once you tell me "no" my knee jerk reaction is "fuck you, I will do what I want!" 

But I do agree there are things you should never, ever, ever eat. Here is my list of Five Food to Never Ever Eat:

1. Arsenic: or really any other toxic poison. We have all heard the saying "I'd die to be skinny" but I don't recommend trying poison to get there. 

2. Feces: that shit is nasty (pun intended). My mom used to tell us we were having shit on toast for dinner. We never did (thankfully). I don't think there is any weight loss properties in eating shit, but if a study ever comes out say there is... Just don't do it. Gross!

3. Human flesh: Hannibal Lector may have been able to fry it up into some tasty dishes and there probably is lots of nutrients in it, but if you want to stay out of orange for the rest of your life, you'll pass on this option. 

4. Breast milk: If you are under 5, then go right ahead. Yummy nutritious breast milk is awesome for humans. But if you are over 20, it's just weird. So if drinking breast milk is  you secret diet trick, keep that secret to yourself. And keep your source to yourself too. 

5. Shorts: or really any item of clothing. Never take nutritional tips from Bart Simpson. 

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