Friday, 14 March 2014

Pet Peeves...the Husband Addition (part 1)

You know those little things that drive you absolutely fucking nuts? Like make you want to bash the person's head it mad?  Well one of those things for me is when my hubby parks his car behind mine. Oh and the futzing. 

Let me set the stage. We live in a house with a long-ish single car wide driveway. You can easily park 2 cars in the driveway but the 2nd car will block the first car.  There is tons of street parking and 99% of the time the spot right in front of our house is free.  We live on a quiet, wide street with not much traffic.  For the first year we lived at the house I let him park in the driveway and I parked on the street.  It added about a 10 sec walk to my day.  No big deal.  Since the Little Monkey has been born I have taken to parking in the driveway because that extra distance walking is a lot harder when you are carrying a car seat, a diaper bag, a purse, groceries and dragging the dog who doesn't want to go in the house, she wants to go for a walk.  Oh and it rains here a lot so now I have a baby, car seat, groceries, two bags and a dog in the rain.  So I park in the driveway.  Seems fair to me.

And the Hubby doesn't complain.  But he does PARK BEHIND ME!   Now I realize that may seem trivial but it is one of those things that just drives me nuts and he knows it.  Whenever I catch him, I give him shit for it.  Stop parking behind me, park on the street!!  It is not that hard a concept to understand.

Part of the reason it drives me nuts is I am almost always running right on time/just a little behind so I don't have time to go back in the house, get his keys, move his car, put his keys back in the house and then get in my car to go. I want to go now! And oh ya, the baby will likely be screaming in his car seat cause while he is an angel when the car is in motion, he is a hellion when it is stopped.  So now instead of just hopping in my car with my happy baby to go where I was going and arriving on time, I am late, wet (remember the rain) and have a crying baby in my car. So that is why I hate it when he parks behind me.

Why don't I get him to move it? Well, while my Hubby has many admirable traits, moving quickly is not one of them.  He is a futzer-you know he is always futzing around.  For example, if the dog scratches at the door that means she has to pee.  I will hear it, get up, open door and let her out.  Simple.  Hubby, will ignore it first, I will ask him to let the dog out (cause I am busy with the baby), he will then get up, walk towards the door, see a cup that needs to go into the kitchen, pick up the cup, take it to the kitchen, go to put it in the dishwasher, see the dishwasher is clean, start to empty the dishwasher, hear the dog whine, go towards the door to let the dog out, see a toy on the floor, pick  it up, bring it to the toy bin, see baby cookies mushed on the floor, go get the Swiffer to clean up the cookies, hear the laundry buzzer go off, put down the Swiffer and go upstairs to fold the laundry, remember  he has to pick up his dry cleaning on Monday, email his work address to remind himself to pick up said dry cleaning, realize he has to pee, goes to bathroom to do his business, washes hands and sees something in his teeth and decides to floss...which is where I find him to tell him the dog has just peed on the floor. So asking him to move his car is not an option. I don't have all day, I'm late, remember?

Which brings me to tonight. I went to run to the store to get some mix for our Friday night cocktails and he was parked behind me.  I was fuming!  He suggests I take his car (normally not an option cause I have Little Monkey and the dog with me).  So I did. And then parked it down the block. (in a neighbour's driveway).  He can find it in the morning.


What does your significant other or children do that is probably no big deal in most people's eyes but drives you to drink?

ps: I called this Part 1 cause I'm sure there will be other posts that could fall under this heading!


  1. This was great! Had me laughing out loud.

  2. Thanks! You are my first blog commenter. You rock!

  3. HA!! Did you really park it down the block?? Cause that's hysterical!!
